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How to Avoid Bandwidth Congestion Caused by Office 365

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Remember when your computer had its own version of Microsoft Office installed on its very own hard disc drive? Opening a Word document or Excel spreadsheet didn't generally cause you any grief. You'd simply click a button or two, and there it had been. it is the same story with LAN installations. However, those days are largely gone.

Today, many enterprises use Microsoft Office 365 at, a cloud-based solution that permits end-users to access Office software "in the cloud." there is no got to install software individually, and therefore the software is usually the foremost current version available. IT not must apply patches or affect Office maintenance aside from adding or removing end-users. While the idea is sweet , in practice, it doesn't always compute so well.

For example, while the cloud is presented as a "global" solution, it isn't exactly global. consistent with Aryaka Networks, "For most enterprise applications, customer data remains resident in one region, datacenter, or instance. which 'instance' still has all the connectivity and performance issues you'd see on an on-premise application."

In addition, end-users located faraway from the regional data center experience significant lag times and latency. Users in distant regions like South Africa , China, Asia-Pacific, Australia, Brazil, and India aren't nearly as well-connected as end-users in additional technically mature regions like North America and Europe. Thus, their connections are spotty to start with. They often believe public networks to access cloud services like Office 365, and therefore the results aren't necessarily pretty.

Cloud-based applications also can negatively impact the WAN in other ways. for instance , consistent with a blog post on Virtela, "Moving from traditional on-premise solutions to SaaS counterparts changes the way traffic flows across a WAN. Routing traffic through a central gateway--sometimes during a data center continents faraway from users--to access the web adds delay and bandwidth constraints."

In essence, by moving to more cloud-based solutions, organizations are increasing their employees' need for Internet access. Imagine a typical administrator whose main duties involve using Microsoft Word and Excel to enter figures, write reports and memos, create documents, then forth. Before deploying Microsoft Office 365, this administrator may have jumped online periodically throughout the day to see email or perform a fast Google search. After deployment, the administrator must be online most of the day. After all, Office 365 is hosted within the cloud. Now multiply this increased Internet usage across the enterprise. As you'll imagine, bandwidth requirements go up -- as does traffic jam . Thus, most most are adversely affected.

Fortunately, vendors are responding to the present problem with smart solutions. Aryaka Networks, for instance , offers a "highly intelligent global network complete with TCP optimization, compression, and Advanced Redundancy Removal for de-duplication. Aryaka's solution optimizes access to Office 365 for remote sites and business users while connecting from global locations."

What does this all mean? It means once your WAN has been optimized with Aryaka, end-users round the world can use Office 365 because it was initially conceived. They simply click a couple of buttons and their documents open up without those long lag times that numerous are battling . As a result, productivity and morale will improve.